
Dr. Akkan Suver to talk over the Status of Permanent Neutrality and Great Silk Road

Tuesday, December 11, 2018 - Read: 2533
Dr. Akkan Suver to talk over the Status of Permanent Ne

Dr. Akkan Suver made a speech at the International Conference "Heritage of the Great Silk Road and Present International Relations" dedicated to the International Day of Neutrality held in Ashgabat on behalf of the Marmara Group Foundation. A mass group of participants showed great deal of attention to the conference held by the opening speech of President Gurbanguli Muhammed. In his speech, Dr. Akkan Suver said Turkmenistan's statue of permanent neutrality recognized by the United Nations is a great achievement and he talked about this topic along with the Silk Road Economic Belt that he recognize as the philosophy of the century.

Dr. Akkan Suver's text of speech is as follows:

Turkmenistan, has also a reputation for its neutrality policy, has achieved benefits of the works that it put forth in this field and enabled the world to celebrate December 12 as the "International Neutrality Day".

This decree recognized by the United Nations February 12, 2017 also means that this philosophy proposed by Turkmenistan has crossed the legal borders of the country and has gained a widely-acclaimed popularity in the international area.

When Turkmenistan gained its independence years ago, also declared its neutrality policy and made a critical political choice.

Turkmenistan has maintained its neutrality policy during the time passed and last year it enabled the December 12 to become an international day by offering its motivation of neutrality to the United Nations.

First of all, we can classify "security and stability" as two major features. In this regard, Turkmenistan doesn't need for armament at a high level. Turkmenistan is also trying to use its internal resources towards the developing of the country.

Turkmenistan became a preferred country by means of foreign investment.

It has gained a right to request economical and technical support from the member states of the UN.

It has provided a psychological contribution in terms of self-reliance to the country and its people.

In addition, this statue enabled Turkmenistan to gain a remarkable fame in the region.

To sum up, Turkmenistan became the safest and most stable country among the republics in the Middle Asia by following a successful neutrality policy led by President Gurbanguli Muhammedov both in the international and regional relations from past to present.

On the other hand, the fact is that "status of permanent neutrality" provided opportunities Turkmenistan to gain benefits in the field of its foreign relations both in regional and global context. This is a vital power for the foreign affairs.

The philosophy of neutrality has crossed the borders of Turkmenistan and President Gurbanguli Muhammedov has a great level of contribution in this regard. This philosophy was recognized by the world thanks to him. Therefore, the implementation of the neutrality policy by Turkmenistan's foreign affairs is a important example for the maintaining of peace and stability in the world.

On the occasion of the Neutrality Day, I would like to tell a little about the "One Belt-One Road" project, as well.
Our foundation has been regarding the Silk Road as the philosophy of the century for six years.

I and my colleagues from the Marmara Group Foundation have carefully and attentively spoken about the Silk

Road Economic Belt and proceed to it during the national and international meetings for six years.

At the beginning of my speech, I called Silk Road is a philosophy.

Yes, Silk Road is a four-dimensional philosophy.

Primarily, I would like to explain that Silk Road Economic Belt is valued as an exclusive economic zone. This concept will strengthen and enrich by diversifying the relations of Silk Road strategy.

Before I talk about the dimensions, I would like to tell a little about the formation and geography of Silk Road Economic Belt.

Silk Road Economic Belt was first proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in late 2013.

This view is also a cultural unity as much as it is a peaceful, fruitful and collaborative project.

Silk Road Economic Belt project, which will yield to around 3.8 billion people and accelerate to cooperation, development and peace of the countries in the region, will bring the Pacific Ocean along with the Atlantic Ocean. Still from Pacific Ocean to Indian Ocean, from there through the Suez Canal it will reach to Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean. Hence, by the help of 21th Century Maritime Silk Road, countries in the region will gain prosperity.

With your permission, I would like to mention about the dimensions of Silk Road Economic Belt philosophy now.

These dimensions carry mutual political confidence and strategic sense which can build a safe environment.
First dimension is the security. This covers up cooperation, security and sustainable security. This understanding of security takes form within zero tolerance against terrorism and fundamentalism.

Second dimension is to build a common public wealth in the region. We can classify welfare as a strategic power.

Third dimension is the socio-economic development. This includes transportation, telecommunication, energy, oil pipelines, natural gas and infrastructural issues.

The fourth dimension is cooperation. I would like to point out emphasizing on cooperation. Cooperation and cultures will come together.

When Chinese culture, Turkmen culture, Slav culture, Middle-East culture, Balkan culture and also Indian culture come together, the greater feeling of understanding and friendship will be occurred spontaneously.

The cooperation which will be formed with all these cultures will lead up to the favoured policies for the investments.

Since our topic is culture, I will be talking about the cultural dimensions of Silk Road Economic Belt. The culture of Silk Road Economic Belt will also provide opportunities for the east-west synthesis. Taking this opportunity, various philosophy and art movements will widen the limits of mind.

Keep in mind that, we all both are easterner and also are westerner. East-West synthesis does exist in our historical and spiritual structure. Silk Road Economic Belt will conduce Buddhism, Mazdaism, Brahmanism to embrace with Islam, Christianity and Judaism and also to reveal new values. Just like in the past, the existence of intercultural dialog will take form also in the future. The thought of Silk Road Economic Belt, which is in a continuous dialectic course, without ignoring the past, has the dimensions that can put forth today enriching the values that obtained from the past cultural values.

Yesterday there had been a silk trade culture. Today there is energy lines culture.

Yesterday there were exchanges of agricultural products. Today there has been experienced an incomprehensible paradigm of informatics.

Yesterday there were restricted opportunities for receiving Golden Money. Today, there is a world that crypto currencies have a voice in cyber world.

It is definitely possible to diversify the examples.

What is significant here is roadmap to be drawn and incomes formed by these maps.

I am not taking part of restricting the incomes only with Money.

Of course Money has a value. Our Chinese friends described this as a "win-win" model.

I would like to conclude my words by adding a little bit to the "win-win" model.

Silk Road Economic Belt will conduce to cultures to gather, and meeting cultures will also help to peace re-birth.

The important aspect is permanence of this peace and, sustainability of Silk Road Economic Belt.

In this historical and epic day of Turkmenistan, I hope the "One Belt-One Road" project will determine a roadmap in favour of our countries in the realms of peace and prosperity.