
Dr. Akkan Suver in Beijing

Tuesday, May 29, 2018 - Read: 2738
Dr. Akkan Suver in Beijing

Dr. Akkan Suver participated in an official tour as the guest of the People's Republic of China Public Diplomacy Association, and was accepted by the Beijing Ambassador of Turkish Republic Abdülkadir Emin Önen. Dr. Akkan Suver and his colleagues visited the Beijing Mosque first. On the visit, Dr. Akkan Suver presented the Holy Quran in Turkish to the Beijing Mosque. The imam of the mosque also presented a handmade Word-i Tawhid written in Chinese Alphabet to Dr. Suver. The Chinese Medicine Institute gave a briefing to the delegation that visited the China International Radio, the National Museum and the Forbidden City. Information on internet journalism was also presented to the delegation consisting of Murat Taylan, Hasan Kılınç, Dr. Kadir Temiz, Dr. Altay Atlı, Arif Kemal Tayfur, Özcan Yüksek and Gülşah Maraşlı, who visited the Great Wall of China and participated in operas and concerts.