
It has been 83 years since Atatürk passed away

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - Read: 932
It has been 83 years since Atatürk passed away

It has been 83 years since the founder of the Turkish Republic, Great Atatürk, has been sent off to eternity. Great Atatürk, who passed away 83 years ago not only laid the foundations of an independent, free and modern Turkey, but also gave the world a bright republic.

This republic, which was founded 98 years ago, has created a secular state system that respects human rights on the basis of equality between men and women, that adopted an independent character, and that made us an honorable representative of the human kind.

The Turkish nation is grateful to Atatürk. Rest in peace, Great Atatürk, your works are alive and they will live on.

The Marmara Group Foundation at Anıtkabir