
Visit to the Ambassador of Uzbekistan in Ankara, H.E. Alisher Agzamhodjaev

Monday, December 18, 2023 - Read: 390
Visit to the Ambassador of Uzbekistan in Ankara, H.E. A

As part of the promotional visits for the 27th Eurasian Economic Summit, which will be organized in Istanbul on February 21-22, 2024, Dr. Akkan Suver, the President of the Marmara Group Foundation, paid a courtesy visit to the Ambassador of Uzbekistan in Ankara, H.E. Alisher Agzamhodjaev. During the visit, Dr. Akkan Suver emphasized the importance they attach to Uzbekistan's participation and sought Ambassador H.E. Alisher Agzamhodjaev's support for the high-level participation in the 27th Eurasian Economic Summit.