National Conferences

On Duty

Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - Read : 2511

On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Mrs. Müjgan Suver, Advisory Member of the "Yanındayız" (We stand by you) and Chairwoman of the EU and Human Rights Platform of the Marmara Group Foundation attended an event named "On Duty" organized by Yanındayız (We stand by you) in Beşiktaş. During the event held on November 25, 2018, women killed by men in 2018 were commemorated and Public Opinion was announced.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 - Read : 2806

Women are no longer alone in the struggles of gender equality. "Yanındayız" Association, which has the majority of men, was founded consisting of businessmen, journalists and artists among the founders. Regarding to the universal human rights, in the Advisory Board of "Yanındayız", which aims to promote the gender equality, Müjgan Suver, Chairwoman of the EU and human rights platform of the Marmara Group Foundation, takes part.

Women's Summit Successfully Completed

Saturday, December 2, 2017 - Read : 2767

The "Equality, Justice and Women's Summit" was held at the Istanbul WOW Hotel on the 30th November and 1st of December 2017. Müjgan Suver, chairwoman of Marmara Group Foundation EU and Human Rights, was part of the organizational committee.Nearly 1,500 journalists, politicians, academics, and female activists participated in the meeting organized by non-governmental organizations focused on women's fight for equality and justice. 8 panels and 5 workshops were held at the Summit which was opened with the song "There are Women". There were 27 speakers with the moderators, well-known by the community. In the "Equality, Justice and Women's Summit", knowledge and expreiences were shared as well as different problems and their solutions. The conclusion report that was shared with the public at the end of the summit emphasized once more that the problem of gender equality is a problem of democracy for there will be no justice without equality. At the end of the workshops a "women's road map" was identified by active citizens. (PLEASE CLICK THE TITLE FOR DETAILS)

The Equality, Justice and Woman Summit has been announced in a press conference

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 - Read : 2706

On Tuesday, the 7th of November 2017, the "Equality, Justice and Woman Summit", in which Müjgan Suver participates as member of the organizational committee, has been announced in a press conference at The Marmara Hotel Istanbul. Non-profit organizations that stand up for the equality and justice of women will meet up in the summit from the 30th of November until the 1st of December 2017. Journalists, politicians, people striving for women's rights and academicians will be participating as speech men in the summit. Politicians, academicians, media representatives, civil society volunteers and professionals who question the inequality and injustice in Turkey and the world, who demand democracy and reflect about human rights, justice and social gender equality, who put forth politics and discourse and every human being who imagines to change and transform ideas together will be able to join. Besides Müjgan Suver, the organizational committee consists of the following names: Bertil Emrah Oder, Çiğdem Aydın, Emel Armutçu, Fatma Köse, Fatmagül Berktay, Gülseren Onanç (curator), Hülya Gülbahar, Meral Tamer, Nuray Özbay, the Sensiz Olmaz group, Sevgi Uçan Çubukçu, Tijen Mergen, Yasemin Bektaş, Zeynep Alemdar.

Marmara Group Foundation attended the meeting organized by the Prime Ministry of Public Officials Ethics Committee

Monday, September 19, 2016 - Read : 2966

Müjgan Suver, Chairwomen of the Marmara Group Foundation EU and Human Rights Platform, have attended the meeting, "Development of the NGO Capacity using of Monitoring and Evaluation Tools" organized by the Prime Ministry of Public Officials Ethics Committee. The representatives of various civil society organizations have attended the meeting organized under EU Project Workshop planned in Ankara and in Istanbul, first made in September 19, 2016 on Monday. Processes of Monitoring and Evaluation in the prospect of international and EU norms case studies were also considered at the meeting.

Women Leaders Meet at the Discussion Panel of the Democracy Inspectors Association

Saturday, March 05, 2016 - Read : 3335

On 5th March 2016, Müjgan Suver, The President of the Marmara Group Foundation EU and Human Rights Platform, attended the panel discussion on “Different Methods and Approaches in Advocating Women’s Rights” which has been organized within the framework of the World Women’s Day activities arranged by The Democracy Inspectors Association. The panel discussion, which was realized at the headquarter of the Democracy Inspectors Association, hosted the civil society representatives who question women’s status in our society and campaign against the troubles with the awareness and utilization of women’s rights. In this panel discussion, Müjgan Suver mentioned the historical evolution of women’s movements and updated the attendees about the conventions organized by the Marmara Group Foundation EU and Human Rights Platform in order to strengthen both the socio-cultural and socio-economic status of women.

Marmara Group Foundation’s EU and Human Rights Platform President Müjgan Suver attended the W20 Summit, held on 16-17 October 2015 in Istanbul

Monday, October 19, 2015 - Read : 3574

Müjgan Suver attended the W20 (Women-20) meeting which has become a G20 engagement group this year thanks to the proposition of the Government of Turkey. At the opening, Turkish President R. Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech about the country’s and the world’s agenda, emphasized the empowerment of women. “Support Work-life Balance and Social Care Infrastructure”, “Address women’s economic empowerment through linkages between education, employment and entrepreneurship”, “Strengthen women’s economic, social and political networks”, “Increase women in both public sector and private sector leadership positions”, “Ensure women’s access to finance and productive assets”, “Eliminate workplace discrimination, enforce rights and promote equal opportunities” , “Promote women’s leadership in creating sustainable consumption patterns and green growth” and “Support women owned enterprises and innovation” issues were brought up at the W20 Summit during two days.


Thursday, April 09, 2015 - Read : 7297

"Sustainable Development, Economy Democracy Relation - "Social Inequality", meeting of Marmara Group Foundation – EU and Human Rights Platform is finalized drawing attention with the call of "An advanced democracy and the economy, the rule of law, improving the quality of life, income inequality, gender and the elimination of social inequality, discrimination should be included within economic, social and environmental axis of sustainable development". (PLEASE CLICK THE TITLE FOR DETAILS)


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - Read : 6089

President of the EU and the Human Rights Platform of the Marmara Group Foundation Mrs. Mujgan Suver, managed the panel named “5. Zeytin Kurtuluş Günleri Kutsal Zeytin Ağacı'nın Meyvesi Zeytin'in Dalından Ambalaja Serüveni" in Kucukkuyu.

What Does NGOs offer for the new Constitution?

Saturday, December 20, 2014 - Read : 6673

EU and Human Rights Platform of the Marmara Group Foundation President Mujgan Suver and Check and Balances representatives, organized the ‘’ Civil Society Participatory Constitution Roadmap Workshops’’ ("Sivil Toplumun Katılımcı Anayasa Yol Haritası Çalıştayları") meetings in order to create ‘’the civil society offers for participatory and inclusionary Constitution’’ in Bilgi University Dolapdere Campus on December 20th, 2014.