Marmara Group Foundation evaluates the European Union project as a peace project.
“We never allow anyone to question our
historical and geographical rights in Europe”
Dr. Akkan Suver
As Marmara Group Foundation, We think that our joining to European Union is not only a right but also an opportunity and necessity for both Turkey and EU.
We, as Marmara Group Foundation, evaluate European Union Project as a peace project of our age.
In December 1964, Turkey put into action the partnership agreement with European Economic Community (EEC) and constituted “Customs Union” in 1995.
Then, the membership status has been given to Turkey at EU Summit in December, 1999. Turkey’s accession negotiations to European Union started on 3rd of October, 2005.
EU Commission commenced positive agenda in order to give a new perspective and dynamism to negotiations. First meeting was organized on 17th of May 2012 in Ankara.
Certainly, positive agenda is only a supportive, important and well-intentioned for negotiations. However, it is temporarily. Political criterias between Turkey and EU should be removed.
The other issue that we think it is important to stress is, the statement of Jean Claude Juncker who will come into office on 1st November 2014 as the President of EU Commission. He said: "There would be no new memberts of the EU in the next five years". We consider this statement as unfortunate and redundant evaluation. In this statement, Juncker indicates he will disregard Balkans in the following five years. We believe that this evaluation is not suitable both for EU philosophy and perspective.
With this historical determination, the condition of recognizing of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which are in the political criterias, has blocked discussions of the all negotiations.
This blockage and EU’s apathy and political criterias to Turkish Nation caused decline for 17% today. Turkey’s interest and support to EU was over 75% in 2004.
Moreover, in process of EU negotiations, Turkey’s political and finance policies are realistic. Unfortunately, European Union applies double standard to Turkey. Today, there is a regression in relations between Turkey and EU. The responsibility belongs to EU. It is required to approach with caution to regression of relations.
Turkey is not being moved away from EU. On the contrary, EU is moving away from its values. In the process of Annan Plan-2004, people of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus wanted to solve the problem and said “YES” to solution. However, Greek people said “NO” to solution by exhibiting uncompromising attitude. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said “Greeks that saying “No” to solution has been awarded”. This approach has increased suspicions of Turkey regarding sincerity of EU. If foreign policy is an area progressing on the base of reciprocal “perceptions”, it can be said that EU makes mistake by “othering” Turkey. EU representatives generally address that “othering” can not take part in our system of values. However, EU contrast with its values. For that reason, Turkey is right its questions about values dislocation of EU.
On the other hand, Europe is a continent according to geographers. In fact, with its “values” Europe exceeds the map and includes oceans.
Principally, “Where is thought like European, it can be said there is Europe”. Europe is a system of values.
Turkey made its selection in favor of European values approximately a hundred years ago.
Turkish Republic has been established in 1923 and with our Constitution in 1924 we have specified our roadmap over European values.
Our historical and geographic rights we have indicates that our Europeanness is indisputable.
Our cities’ population and surface areas like İstanbul, Tekirdağ, Çanakkale, Kırklareli and Edirne are more than European Union member country’ cities’ ones.
Because of our historical connections we need to live together and in peace.
Just like German-French intimacy!
It is another indicator of the legitimacy of European Union if Obama and Putin; Merkel and Hollande; in addition 13 leaders coming together on 6th June 2014 on the occasion of France, rather than memorializing the casualties of millions of European 70 years ago as a result of Germany's acts.
Therefore, we evaluate European Union project as the peace project of century as Marmara Group Foundation and the Nation of Turkey. We have a high opinion of Nobel Peace Price that is given to European Union. In fact, European Union can be considered as the most comprehensive institutional project. It is very crucial project that created the opportunity for British, French, Germans, Italians, Dutchs and Belgians whom fought with each other through the century; to live peacefully. Despite this success, European Union is "continental" project. Therefore, the membership of Turkey will transform this "continental" success to "global" one; thus, European Union will create a process for global peace project.
We would like to emphasize that Turkey is assertive regarding to making the European Union as global peace project with its unique strategic location and pro-active foreign policy that has been conducting over the world and region. In case of the membership of Turkey to European Union, the Union will be an example concerning to global peace.
The solidarity that is the result of the integration European States, is a declaration of the development of long-term strategic vision after World War II.
If we do not want to face the similar events that has occured in Bosnia 20 years ago, then we should unify the Balkans with European Union as immediate as possible. The key element of this unification is Turkey.
It is both wrong and missing to acknowledge the constituents of the Balkans just as Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Greece.
European Union cannot be unified without Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Kosovo and Turkey.
Separately, the dialogue that is established between Kosovo and Serbia is crucial. This dialogue have ground in terms of the stability of the region; and more importantly the future of humanity.
Turkey is the 16th largest economy of the world.
Among the EU countries, Turkey stands on 6th place after Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Spain.
EU's economic magnitude is 16 trillion dollar; on the other hand Turkey's economic magnitude is 840 billion dollar.
There are several EU members that is far more less developed than Turkey in terms of economy and society.
If Turkey keep its stability, then it will not be so hard for her to get in the ten largest economy in the world within the following decade.
The last crisis that we are still facing with indicates that European Union as a strategic peace project will gain more significance. In this framework we believe that EU which continues to be a substantial actor in the world, should consider her relations with Turkey likewise that strategic perspective. We wish peace, tranquility and proseperity will extend to a larger geograpy by enlarging the European Union. Turkey did not abandon her purpose of membership as she believes the success and goal of the European Union. As Marmara Group Foundation we frame that our membership is beneficial; and obstructions during the negotiation process due to political reasons are profictless for both parties.
We do not interpret the cases that we live in the mid-2014 as: "The acts against Turkey are unfair, there are double standarts". On the contrary, we lay stress on the importance of new resolutions that will occur as a result of ongoing process by renewed organization, determination and recogniti.
The events in Kiev in this day and age are regeneration of the the events, inasmuch as in Bosnia.
We must not withdrew the ideal of co-exist and solidarity in order to prevent new Bosnians and Kievs; in order to not to loose our faith and hopes.
Marmara Group Foundation keep his devoted works in order to promote European Union project that is also considered as "civilization project" in Turkey and Europe.
We took place as "constituent element" at the project of "Yes to Europe" in 2000.
We have organized workshops in Bruxelles - Palais d'Egmont along with approximately 600 academicians, journalists, diplomats, members of the parliament and intellectuals.
We share our thoughts regarding to Turkey - EU relations with approximately 500 senators, members of the parliament, journalists, academicians and intellectuals in Paris - Senate of France.
Dr. Akkan Suver represented the works of Marmara Group Foundation at Bruxelles - European Parliament in June, 2013.
Depart from that, Müjgan Suver and Nezihe Timur arranged several meeting in Poland, Austria and Germany on behalf of Marmara Group Foundation.
Müjgan Suver and Lale Aytanç evaluated the Turkey - EU relations at the meetings in Madrid and Barcelona.
Dr. Akkan Suver, Ogan Soysal, Engin Köklüçınar, Dr. Şahap Kocatopçu, Cafer Okray and Prof. Dr. Sedefhan Oğuz announced the view of Marmara Group Foundation in different times at the international meetings regarding to Turkey - EU relations.
Marmara Group Foundation has partnership with Viena Economic Forum that is respectable think-tank institution based on Viena.
On the other hand, we attach importance to our joint works with "Global Dialogue and Cooperation Center" that is also based on Viena.
Our joint works that is ongoing for years with Bled Strategic Forum are continuing.
We have a high opinion of The Hungary Initiatives Foundation that is based on Budapest.
Our contact with The Center of International Relations and Sustainable Development that is based on Belgrade is high-level.
Our joint works with Slavyani Foundation that is based on Sofia still continuing.
Dr. Akkan Suver is a founder member of Balkan Political Club that is based on Sofia.
Moreover, Dr. Akkan Suver is also a founder member of Blacksea - Caspian Sea International Fund that is based on Bucharest. He was the president of BSCSIF from 2013 to 2014, as well.
We, as Marmara Group Foundation, consider to study in the field of non-governmental organizations regarding to European Union, as a duty.
Minister of European Union of the Republic of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and Marmara Group Foundation are always in contact regarding to EU.
Egemen Bağış conveying his congratulations to Marmara Group Foundation concerning the works on EU of Marmara Group Foundation during the meeting with the members.
Member of Parliament Yaşar Yakış, French Senator Mme. Josette Durieu and Dr. Akkan Suver at French Senate on 25th December, 2005.